Family Watch Newswire: UK Enacts Emergency Ban on Puberty Blockers for All ‘Trans’ Minors



ABORTION PILLS ARE RELEASING DANGEROUS CHEMICALS, REMAINS OF ABORTED BABIES IN OUR WATER. U.S. lawmakers asked the Environmental Protection Agency to specify how it “plan[s] to ensure the safety of our waterways and drinking water,” and “[t]o what extent” the agency has “studied the impact of mifepristone on water systems” in the country. Read more here.

NEW POLL CLAIMS HALF OF AMERICANS SUPPORT IN-PERSON DOCTOR VISIT BEFORE ABORTION PILL. A new Reuters/Ipsos poll has found that 50 percent of Americans support a required in-person doctor visit before a woman can get an abortion pill prescription, while only 33 percent oppose. Read more here.

NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL SUED FOR ‘TARGETING’ PRO-LIFE PREGNANCY CENTERS. The nonprofit law firm Alliance Defending Freedom and others are suing New York Attorney General Letitia James for allegedly using her power to censor pro-life pregnancy centers because they promote abortion pill reversal. Read more here.

LOUISIANA GOVERNOR SIGNS LAW CLASSIFYING ABORTION PILLS AS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Gov. Jeff Landry signed into law a new measure to classify abortion pills as controlled substances, making possession without a prescription a criminal offense. Read more here.

TEXAS TOP COURT WON’T GUARANTEE RIGHT TO ABORTION IN COMPLICATED PREGNANCIES. Texas’ highest court has refused to ensure that doctors in the state are not prosecuted for abortions they believe are necessary in medically complicated pregnancies, rejecting a lawsuit by 22 patients and physicians. Read more here.


UK ENACTS EMERGENCY BAN ON PUBERTY BLOCKERS FOR ALL ‘TRANS’ MINORS. The UK Department of Health and Social Care has enacted an emergency ban restricting transgender-identifying children from being prescribed and supplied puberty blockers, beginning June 3 and lasting until September 3. Read more here.

GERMANY: WOMEN’S GYM FINED €1,000 AFTER DENYING BALDING TRANS-IDENTIFIED MALE ACCESS TO SHOWERS. A women’s only fitness center in Erlangen, Bavaria, has been ordered by the government to pay compensation to a trans-identified male after the facility’s owner denied him permission to use the women’s showers. Read more here.

REPORT: GENDER IDEOLOGY ‘DEEPLY EMBEDDED’ IN SCOTTISH SCHOOLS. A report revealed what campaigners described as “horrifying” details of schools in Labor-run Wales allowing children to “change gender identity” without telling their parents, and a separate investigation showed that the situation is even worse in SNP-run Scotland. Read more here.

BIDEN ADMINISTRATION ANNOUNCES ‘MENSTRUAL HYGIENE DAY’ FOR A #PERIODFRIENDLYWORLD. In a post on X, the U.S. Department of Labor announced a holiday called “Menstrual Hygiene Day,” a day that is aimed at creating a period-friendly world for “menstruators.” Read more here.


WALMART DOUBLES DOWN ON PRIDE MONTH; WILL SELL HOMOSEXUAL-THEMED PRODUCTS. The nation’s largest retailer posted a pride month message on its Instagram account and launched a new collection with products like a notebook that says “beyond gender” and a tote bag that says “tote gay.” Read more here.

CATHOLIC GROUP LAUNCHES PARENT-LED EFFORT TO ROOT OUT CHILDREN’S LGBT BOOKS FROM LIBRARIES AHEAD OF PRIDE MONTH. CatholicVote, a nonprofit focused on promoting Catholic values in public life, will debut its third annual “Hide the Pride” campaign on June 1, and it will urge parents to rid their local taxpayer-funded library’s children’s section of sexualized and gender-related books. Read more here.


PLANNED PARENTHOOD PROMOTES ABORTION AT WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY, CLAIMS ABORTING BABIES IS HEALTH CARE. The International Planned Parenthood Federation claimed that the world is far from achieving sexual health services and asked for a “rights-based sexual and reproductive health services” approach. They also asked for “disaggregation” of data by gender among other categories. Read more here.


KENYAN DOCTOR CONDEMNS WHO FOR STERILIZING AFRICAN WOMEN WITH VACCINES. A Kenyan doctor denounced the World Health Organization (WHO) before Uganda’s president for being untrustworthy as shown by its African vaccination campaigns, including a Tetanus shot push that caused infertility in women. Read more here.

FAMILIES’ RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ACT PROTECTS PARENTAL RIGHTS IN TENNESSEE. Governor Bill Lee signed into law the Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act, which states, “The liberty of a parent to the care, custody, and control of the parent’s child, including the right to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of the child, is a fundamental right.” Read more here.


PETS WILL BE BETTER PROTECTED THAN CHILDREN IN THE UK, by Ann Farmer. “Britain is in a political frenzy after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that a snap general election will take place on July 4. This means that some of his government’s bills will lapse before becoming law, including a controversial Criminal Justice Bill which would have included two extreme abortion-up-to-birth amendments. This would have been the biggest change in the regulation of abortion in the UK since 1967. It is not unlikely that this would have paved the way for the legalisation of infanticide later on.” Read more here.

ARE THE WALLS CLOSING IN ON THE TRANS-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX?, by Jason Mattera. “Are the walls closing in on the trans-industrial complex? To answer that right off the bat: It sure looks like the walls are closing in, though it’s way too early to be spiking the football. But there is good news on protecting children from ideologues who want to harm young bodies with toxic drugs and other irreversible procedures. And that news is coming from an unlikely source — The New York Times, a reliable left-wing news outlet that is bucking progressive orthodoxy on so-called ‘gender-affirming care.’ As you likely know, ‘gender-affirming care’ is the left’s euphemism to mask its radical tactics in treating individuals with gender dysphoria.” Read more here.

CRUEL AND UNUSUAL: FEMALE PRISONERS ON LIVING WITH TRANS PRISONERS, by Jazz Shaw. “We’ve been covering the transgender social contagion that’s been sweeping the nation for quite a while now, with a particular emphasis on the effects it can have on children and public school systems. But there’s another aspect of this topic that doesn’t receive quite as much attention. That would be the issue with women’s prisons, particularly in the United States. Several states, including California, have approved the practice of transferring male prisoners posing as women to women’s prisons. This frequently ends badly for the actual women who are locked up there…” Read more here.

THE NIH ONLY INVITED RADICAL GENDER ACTIVISTS TO THEIR SEX AND GENDER GENOMICS SYMPOSIUM, by Colin Wright. “Registration for the symposium, titled ‘Exploring the many dimensions of sex and gender in the genomics era,’ opened on May 19, and the ‘tentative agenda’ was revealed. However, despite the event’s stated purpose of bringing ‘experts from the biological and social sciences to clarify and contextualize – but not resolve – the complexities around sex, gender, and genomics by considering them in their scientific, ethical, and historical contexts,’ the list of presenters is ideologically homogeneous, consisting entirely of activist scientists and radical gender ideologues.” Read more here.

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