Rural Women

Rural women play a key role in supporting their households and communities in achieving food and nutrition security, generating income, and improving rural livelihoods and overall well-being. They contribute to Agriculture and rural enterprises and fuel local and global economies. They help to Eradicate Rural poverty and improve the well being of their families
Most women, who work in rural areas are illiterate but limited access to credit, health care, and education are among the many challenges they face, which are further worsened by the global food and economic crises.
Empowering them is key not only to the well-being of individuals, families and rural communities, but also to overall economic productivity.
Rural women’s access to education and training can have a major impact on their potentials and benefit from opportunities and overall well being.
The above gives the reasons why rural women shouldn’t be left behind but be carried along while attaining sustainable development of every nation in line with the United Nations’ goals.
With the above knowledge, Asabe Shehu Yar’Adua Foundation (ASYARFS) took it upon herself to empower and enlighten rural women of their importance to the society and how they can play their roles in the economic development of the nation.

Poverty is a disease that kills in society, it turns people into rags and kills their dreams especially the uneducated and the ignorant ones. The less privilege are mostly entitled to poverty.
Poverty is the state of not being able to afford the essential necessity of life.
Majority of the world population live in poverty especially those living in the indigenous communities and the rural areas of developing and under-developed countries.
Covid-19 negative impacts

Covid-19 have plunged many citizens of the nation into recession. Unemployment and salary deduction are parts of the negative impacts of covid-19, mortality rate have also increased rapidly.
Due to the pandemic there have been increased waste and the reduction of recycling. Students could not go to school, they could not proceed with their academic sessions and they were asked to stay back home. No business/school/office work and salaries.
During the covid-19 lockdown, cases of gender based violence were reported, teenage pregnancy, rape cases, cyber crimes, fake news was also rampant due to idleness.
The education system was debilitated, less manufacturing ability, limited international transactions in the aspect of export and import. The airlines also stopped working and could not pay their workers then sack some of their workers.
Covid-19 pandemic also led to the destruction going on in the financial market due to the lack of access to food, as incomes fall remittances are lost, and in some contexts, food prices rise and border closure played its own part. The borders were also closed which also made things complicating.
In countries already affected by high levels of acute food insecurity, there are food production issues, soaring unemployment rates, income losses and rising food costs are jeopardizing food access in Developed, Developing and Under-developed countries alike and will have long-term effects on food security.
There is a significant devaluation of the exchange rate with respect to the US dollar which is also affecting the import-dependent countries.
Source: Asyarfs
Gender Equality

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful and sustainable world and even a prosperous world.
Over the last decades, there has been progress; more girls are going to school, fewer girls are forced into early marriage, more women are in positions of leadership.
Gender equality should be encouraged in our society for the growth of our society. Our girls/women should be trained and treated equally with the boys/men.
Gender equality also encourages a peaceful society i.e when the women are treated fairly there won’t be conflict in our society. It serves as a great relief to our society.
Gender equality has really helped us in the society, in the sense that the women are not jobless, they are not looked down on in the society. Our women should not be looked down on because they make the world at large i.e they dominate parts of the world.
Gender equality is important in the society and also the world at large.
COVID-19 is affecting communities around the world especially the Indigenous people, therefore it is necessary to enlighten individuals of the preventive measures to fight it.

COVID-19 is affecting communities around the world especially the Indigenous people, therefore it is necessary to enlighten individuals of the preventive measures to fight it and it is also of great paramount to ensure that a COVID-19 vaccine is made available to every individual affected irrespective of their social and economic stature. The vaccine should be distributed to the area that has great need of it, especially to the communities with nursing mothers, aging adults, and children affected with the virus.
Wakeupcall… #Covid19 is an eye-opener for the people of Africa. Africa is not prepared for the Future. Whether we like it or not Africa will pay the price of her unpreparedness.

Covid-19 Pandemic

Covid-19 Pandemic has not gone away. It is still with us. We need to keep our environment clean, be careful of where we go, what we eat and we should abide by the guidelines set by W.H.O. and medical experts.

In the midst of the pandemic; there is no doubt that there was an economic breakdown and as a result of that the rate of Poverty increases as well as Hunger, Cybercrime etc and thereby reducing the standard living of many countries not to talk of the #sub-Sahara Africans.
Now the big question is what is one of the ways forward to help the Indigenous, Youth? #Empowering them into Agriculture, “An idle hand is a Devil’s workshop”.

It’s 6months since the case of COVID-19 was reported in Nigeria though the virus was first identified in Wuhan city in China. It was reported to the World Health Organization in December 2019 and a global pandemic was declared in January 2020.
The identification of the COVID-19 in the world affected activities and setbacks globally in the economic sector, educational sector, social sector, and religious activities. In the health sector, the pandemic had a great effect on the people both directly and indirectly.
It had a greater toll on the expectant mothers, children and the world at large causing death; sleepless nights, rendering women and children widows and orphans respectively; the nation was also brought to a standstill as most organisation stopped operation, some workers were discharged of duties as it is a tragedy that struck the whole world. The government built isolation centers in each state to ensure that those people affected are being taken care of by expertise medical doctors. The Government advised that the individuals should be on self-isolation, wash their hands regularly with soap and running water, use a nose mask or face shield, and regular application of hand sanitizer.
Many people especially the poor masses were threatened with the recession and inflation keeping them on the verge of collapse but thanks to the government and concerned individuals who reached out to the less privileged.
Asabe Shehu Yar’Adua Foundation (ASYARFS) funded many homes, supplied foodstuffs to the needy, visited different homes, gave supplements to nursing mothers and pregnant women, and reached out to the people on the streets suffering from hunger due to the strike of the pandemic. The organization made sure that they carried everyone along during the pandemic in other to reduce the tension the pandemic created on everyone.
The COVID-19 outbreak affected all segments of the population and it is also detrimental to the health. It gave rise to crimes, crises, inequality, discrimination, and global unemployment. The government provided an innovative action to protect vulnerable people and also uphold their rights to health care and medical services.